
Change of Director's role

23 Apr 2013


Total Produce, Europe's leading fresh produce company, announces that as and from 20 July 2013, Frank Gernon will cease his full-time role as Director, Financial Strategy and Development but will continue to be employed by the Company in a part-time advisory role and will remain as an executive director on the Board.

Carl McCann, Chairman said:

"Frank has been with the Group for 40 years and has held many senior executive roles, including that of Finance Director and, more recently, Director, Financial Strategy and Development. Frank has made a very significant and valuable contribution to the development of the Group. We are very pleased that Frank will remain as a director and the Group will continue to benefit from his knowledge and experience".

23 April 2013

For further information, please contact:

Brian Bell, Wilson Hartnell PR
Tel: +353-1-669 0030

Ivan Murphy, Davy Corporate Finance
Tel: +353-1-679 6363
